Beginner: Interested in creating a web application with HTML, CSS, AngularJS, NodeJS, and MySQL?

After extensive searching on the internet, I have yet to come across a definitive answer.

I am in the early stages of developing a web application and want to ensure that I am using the correct languages before diving too deep into it. Currently, my plan includes:

Front End: HTML, CSS, AngularJS
Back End: NodeJS, MySQL

Is this combination ideal? While I understand opinions may vary, will this setup at least function?

Do I require frameworks like yeoman and/or express for it to operate smoothly?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Indeed, that stack seems reasonable - the choice of database will ultimately depend on the specific needs of your application. For a standard web app, MySQL is a solid option and MongoDB is popular for Node apps. Additionally, exploring Express can be beneficial in the NodeJS environment.

Searching for information on the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) will provide you with plenty of resources to kickstart your project. A helpful guide for developing single page applications with MEAN can be found here.

Depending on your requirements, consider swapping out MongoDB for MySQL and utilize NPM modules to support your needs. If considering an MVC framework, explore options like SailsJS. Research the best Node.js MVC frameworks to discover other alternatives.

The JS community offers various 'starter packs' and yeoman generators on platforms like GitHub. For example, a generator for a full angular stack can be accessed here. Prioritize thorough research to ensure documentation and maintenance before using one.

Angular 1.x remains a robust SPA framework and should not be overlooked. It may also be worth exploring ReactJS, which has witnessed significant growth in popularity recently.

For HTML (styled with CSS), consider utilizing Bootstrap or Material Design. Bootstrap is widely favored for CSS styling, and additional themes can be found at sites like Wrap Bootstrap.

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