Begin HTML rows in a collapsed state as the default setting

I successfully integrated this example into my project (using Vapor Swift & Leaf) and it is functioning properly: A simple demonstration of collapsible rows in HTML/CSS/JS

However, I am looking to have all the collapsible rows start off hidden by default. My knowledge of JS is limited, so I am unsure if making changes to the following script would achieve this:

$(document).ready(function() {

Would I need to create a new JS script for this purpose? If so, how can I ensure it targets the correct rows to hide (and how can they be hidden)?

Answer №1

When utilizing the jQuery library, you have the ability to use a jQuery selector in order to pinpoint the specific elements that you wish to conceal and then hide them upon the document's initial load:

If all the rows you intend to toggle between hidden and shown share the common attribute of having the .hide class, you can employ this as the selector:

$('.hide').toggle();  // initiate hiding rows

If you interact with the snippet provided below, you will observe how this functionality operates. Initially, the rows remain concealed. However, upon clicking either "Accounting" or "Management," the respective rows will expand.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.hide').toggle();  // initially hide rows
  $('[data-toggle="toggle"]').change(function() {
table {
  width: 750px;
  border-collapse: collapse;
  margin: 50px auto;

th {
  background: #3498db;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;

th {
  padding: 10px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  text-align: left;
  font-size: 18px;

.labels tr td {
  background-color: #2cc16a;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #fff;

.label tr td label {
  display: block;

[data-toggle="toggle"] {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
      <th>Q1 2010</th>
      <th>Q2 2010</th>
      <th>Q3 2010</th>
      <th>Q4 2010</th>
    <tbody class="labels">
        <td colspan="5">
          <label for="accounting">Accounting</label>
          <input type="checkbox" name="accounting" id="accounting" data-toggle="toggle">
    <tbody class="hide">
        <td>Central America</td>
    <tbody class="labels">
        <td colspan="5">
          <label for="management">Management</label>
          <input type="checkbox" name="management" id="management" data-toggle="toggle">
    <tbody class="hide">
        <td>Central America</td>
        <td>Middle East</td>

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