Battle of Emotion and Styled-Components in CSS prop usage

In my exploration, I've noticed that utilizing the css prop in Emotion can provide support for various features. Take a look at the example below:

const wrapperStyle = css`
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;

<div css={wrapperStyle}>


const color = 'white'

      padding: 32px;
      font-size: 24px;
      &:hover {
        color: ${color};
    div content here


Can similar functionality be achieved with Styled-Components?

Furthermore, what advantages does Styled-Components offer over Emotion?

Answer №1

Although I haven't delved into using emotion yet, I have been utilizing styled-components extensively. After a brief look at emotion, it appears that the concept of both libraries is quite similar, focusing on CSS in JavaScript. Personally, I prefer styled-components because it keeps the CSS separate from the markup, making code readability a bit easier. For instance, creating a red button can be done like this:

const BaseButton = styled.button``;
const RedButton = styled(BaseButton)`color: red;`

Alternatively, when using emotion, it seems simpler to share styles. For example, styling a button could look like

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