Basic HTML code that displays either one or two columns based on the width of the screen

My monitoring website displays dynamic rrd graphs in png format with fixed dimensions.

I am looking to adjust the layout based on browser window size - showing the graphs in 1 column if the width is below a certain threshold, and in 2 columns if it exceeds that limit.

While I understand basic HTML concepts like tables and JavaScript properties such as innerWidth, I am unsure how to effectively use these to implement intelligent column width handling.

This is an excerpt of my current code:

<table style="width:100%">
                <h2>CO2: unfiltered values </h2>
                <p><a href="./index_CO2unf.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/CO2unf_1h.png" alt="CO2unf_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>
                <h2>CO2: filtered values </h2>
                <p><a href="./index_CO2fil.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/CO2fil_1h.png" alt="CO2fil_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>
                <h2>O2: partial pressure O2 values</h2>
                <p><a href="./index_O2pp.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/O2pp_1h.png" alt="O2pp_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>
                <h2>O2: percentage O2 values</h2>
                <p><a href="./index_O2pct.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/O2pct_1h.png" alt="O2pct_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>
                <h2>O2: Temperature values</h2>                                                                                 
                <p><a href="./index_O2temp.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/O2temp_1h.png" alt="O2temp_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>
                <h2>O2: Pressure values</h2>                                                                                       
                <p><a href="./index_O2pres.html"><img src="./ramdisk/htdocs/O2pres_1h.png" alt="O2pres_1h.png"/></a></p><p><br></p>

The central </td><td> section needs to be removed when the browser width falls below the defined threshold. How can I achieve this functionality?

Answer №1

If you want to simplify your layout, consider replacing your table with two <div> elements and utilize @media queries like demonstrated in this example:

body{margin: 0;}
div{width: 50%; height: 600px; float: left; text-align: center;}
.div-1{background-color: green;}
.div-2{background-color: yellow;}
@media (max-width: 700px){
    div{width: 100%;}

Answer №2

Check out this sample markup code:

.dual-columns {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 15px;
.dual-columns:nth-child(2n + 1) {
  clear: left;
.clear-fix {
  clear: both;
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<div class="dual-columns">
  <p><img src=""></p>
<!-- Clear fix for floated elements -->
<div class="clear-fix"></div>

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