Avoid replacing CSS properties, instead use jQuery to supplement them

Can anyone help me figure out how to use the jquery .css() function without overwriting existing values, but instead adding additional values to css properties?

For example, I have an element that currently has the css transform:translate(-50%, -50%). I want to use the jQuery .css() function to ADD transform: rotate(90deg), but every time I try it, it just overwrites the original value.

If my explanation is unclear, please take a look at this fiddle for clarification. http://jsfiddle.net/justinbchristensen/mvhwbjLo/1/

In the Fiddle, you'll notice that clicking the button causes the square to lose its initial transformation, slide down, and rotate. However, subsequent clicks only rotate the square because the 'transform:translate' property is not being lost.

I would prefer not to specify the entire transformation in my .css() function like

element.css('transform', 'translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(90deg)'
; I just want to add the rotation to the existing transformation.

Is there a way to achieve this desired outcome?

Answer №1

Due to the nature of transform being a shorthand property, it requires combining values instead of utilizing an incremental method.

An alternative approach would involve fetching the previous value and appending the new one:

View the Updated JsFiddle here

var rotation = 0;
function rotate() {
    rotation += 90;
    var rotationString = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)';
    var prev = $('#square').css('transform');
    $('#square').css('transform', prev + " " + rotationString);

Answer №2

Make sure to keep track of the current style before combining:

let rotation = 0;
function rotateObject() {
    rotation += 90;
    let rotationString = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)';
    let currentStyle = $('#square').css('transform');
    $('#square').css('transform', currentStyle +' '+ rotationString);


This method is effective, but I wonder if there are alternative approaches.

Answer №3

The reason for why it replaces the value instead of adding to it is simply because of the way cascading in CSS works. When you set a value on the transform property, it can only have one value at a time. Therefore, from the API's perspective, you are essentially replacing the existing value with a new one. In CSS code, this concept can be demonstrated as follows:

#square {
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    transform: rotate(90deg);

As illustrated, the second declaration will override the first one.

CSS does not allow for partial or incremental property declarations. Consequently, there is no direct way to add a value to an existing property without discarding the current value.

Basically, when setting a new value, you must include the existing transform within it. By utilizing jQuery for setting the value, you can fetch the current value using the .css() method, append your new transformation, and then apply the combined result, eliminating the need to hardcode the original value:

var currentTransform = $('#square').css('transform');
var rotationString = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)';
var newTransform = currentTransform + ' ' + rotationString;
$('#square').css('transform', newTransform);

An issue that may arise with this approach is that running this code block again will result in currentTransform containing the previous rotation as well. This means that each subsequent execution will continue adding rotations. If this behavior is undesired, additional checks will need to be implemented or, unfortunately, the value will have to be hardcoded.

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