Avoid creating a line break directly after the header, however allow for a line break

I find myself in a scenario where I require a paragraph that has a specific format:

An Emphasized Title Some relevant information regarding the subject...

I am looking to insert a new line before the title, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with the rest of the paragraph.

There are two methods that come to mind for achieving this effect:

  1. Insert a <br /> tag.
  2. Enclose the title within a paragraph tag and adjust its display to be completely inline.

The challenge lies in option (2) as I have limited control over the HTML, which is auto-generated from Markdown within the Jekyll framework.

(1) is typically discouraged due to being considered poor practice, but it could potentially be the most suitable approach in this particular situation.

Are there any other alternatives worth exploring?


Decided to mark this as a duplicate; utilizing float seems to be the ideal solution.

Answer №1

<h1 style="display: inline-block;">Title</h1>
<p style="display: inline-block;">text</p>

By using this code, you can ensure that the title and text are displayed on the same line.

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

<p><span style="font-weight:bold">The Bold Header </span> Here is some info about the subject...</p>

Answer №3

 <strong>Here is a Title</strong>
 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>


 <h2>Another Heading Example</h2>
  <p>This is some sample text.</p>

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