Avoid allowing users to copy text by dragging and dropping it from the browser

I am looking for effective ways to prevent users from easily copying text from my website.

After doing some research, I came across a useful solution here

This method successfully prevents copy/paste/cut actions when using ctrl key combinations and the right-click menu.

However, during testing, I discovered that I could still drag the content from my TextArea into applications like Word and Visual Studio 2012 using Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. At this point, I stopped further testing.

The code snippet below shows my implementation based on the referenced post:

<textarea readonly="readonly" draggable="false" >
    blah blah

I have also attempted another approach using the following script:

                             'copy paste cut drag drop', 
                              function (e) {

Additionally, I tried using the @Html.TextArea method with specific event handlers to prevent copying:

@Html.TextArea("Blah", "blah"
,new { oncopy= "return false", onpaste="return false", oncut="return false"})

Despite these efforts, the drag and drop copying method remained unaffected. Is there a foolproof way to ensure that text data cannot be taken off the site?

EDIT*** While not foolproof, I am open to suggestions on making it more difficult for average users to copy text, as the drag and drop method is quite straightforward.

Answer №1

It doesn't make sense. You've transferred all your information to the user's PC and you can't control what they do with it.

Especially when it comes to copying and pasting, it's out of your hands.

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