Automatic Expansion Feature for HTML Tables

In my table, placeholders are filled with special words. However, what happens when I have more than 4 rows? For instance, if there are 21 placeholders for 21 rows?

What I mean is this: I only have one row with a placeholder, like this:

In my CMS, I have placeholders for 30 rows. Is there a way for the table to expand automatically in such cases?

Answer №1

Consider using the append method in jQuery for a simple implementation. You can refer to this blog for guidance.

Here's a code snippet for your reference. Make sure you understand how to utilize JavaScript. If your table ID is currently 'mytable':

$('#mytable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td>{{TOOL}}</td><td>{{TOOL}}</td><td>{{TOOL}}</td><td>{{TOOL}}</td></tr>')

Answer №2

To add new rows to a table in jQuery, you can use the .append() method. Here is an example:

$("table tbody").append("<tr><td>Row Content</td></tr>");

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