"Attempting to troubleshoot a calculator built with html, css, and js. I'm stumped as to what could

After following a tutorial on YouTube, going over the code multiple times, and still experiencing issues with the calculator. Sometimes it works fine, other times certain buttons like (+, -, x, ⁄) don't function properly. I've provided the entire code below as I suspect the issue lies in the JavaScript section. I initially started with HTML, then moved on to CSS and finally JS.

let runningTotal = 0;
let buffer = 0;
let previousOperator;

const screen = document.querySelector('.screen');

function buttonClick(value){
    if (isNaN(value)){
    screen.innerText = buffer;

// Rest of JavaScript code goes here...

// More code snippets for CSS and HTML will follow...

Despite meticulously examining each line of code, the problem remains elusive.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing the code, I came across a few issues:

  1. The buffer variable is sometimes a number and sometimes a string. In the line:

buffer = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length - 1);

This results in an Uncaught TypeError, so it's recommended to always convert it to a string first like this:

buffer = buffer.toString().substring(0, buffer.length - 1);

  1. There is an attempt to compare runningTotal to the string '0', when runningTotal is actually a number.

if (runningTotal === 0)

It is important to carefully consider the data types of all variables as it seems a bit confusing at the moment.

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