Attaching the CSS file to the Haml layout template

I'm currently working on linking a css file to a haml layout template

Within the ApplicationHelper class, I have a method to properly generate html

module ApplicationHelper

  def styletag(sheet_name)
    "<link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/stylesheets/#{sheet_name}.css'>"


Additionally, I'm trying to link it to the layout template

!!! 5
    %title Rotten Potatoes!
    = stylesheet_link_tag 'application'
    = styletag 'default'
    = javascript_include_tag 'application'
    = csrf_meta_tags
    = yield

However, it appears that haml is not recognizing it as a tag and is displaying it as text.

Answer №1

To prevent Rails from escaping the HTML in your text, be sure to include html_safe. By adding this, you are informing Rails not to escape the HTML.

For more information, please visit and select "Show Source". If you modify it to look like this:

def styletag(sheet_name)
    "<link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/stylesheets/#{sheet_name}.css'>".html_safe

This should resolve the issue for you.

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