Astro Project experiencing issues with loading SRC folder and style tags

After setting up a brand new astro repository with the following commands:

npm create astro@latest
npm run dev

I encountered an issue where the default project template failed to display correctly on my computer. Here is how the page appeared:

Strangely, when I repeated the initialization process on a different computer, everything worked as expected and the application's file structure looked different:

I am puzzled by this discrepancy since the template should be consistent across all setups. Does anyone have any insights into why this might be occurring?

Answer №1

After encountering a comparable problem, I found that the styles were not loading while executing npm run dev. It dawned on me that the issue stemmed from using the Git Bash terminal, so I made the switch to PowerShell 7 and voila, it resolved!

If you're facing a similar challenge, consider changing your terminal - it could be just the solution you need :)

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