Assistance needed in keeping an image with absolute positioning CSS fixed to the top left corner of the browser

Looking for some CSS help as a beginner here! I've been trying to position a transparent PNG image over a centered table, but it seems stuck in the upper left corner of the browser. Absolute positioning should give me freedom to move it around, right? Any guidance on what I might be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.

------------------------------------ html------------------------------------

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


<title>Welcome to Knock on Wood Productions!<title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" media="all" />


<div id="branch">


    <table width="803" border="0" cellpading="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">

        <!-- The 1st nested table starts here. -->

        <td width="355" height="180" background= "images/grn1.png">
        <td width="10" height="180" background= "images/grn2.png"></td>
        <td width="438" height="180" background= "images/grn3.png"></td>



------------------------------------ css ------------------------------------

body                {   background-color: #fff8a7;


#wrapper         {  position: absolute; width: 803;
                        margin-left: auto ;
                         margin-right: auto ;


#branch          {  position: absolute; width: 548;
                    top: 60;
                        left: 50;
        /* background-image: url(images/gbranch.png); */
        z-index: 2;

td                { border: solid thin red;

Answer №1

To center the table, apply a "position: relative" to its parent element.

Answer №2

When setting the width, top, and left properties, it is important to include units in your values. Here is a corrected example:

#branch {
   width: 548px;
   top: 60px;
   left: 50px;

Additionally, consider specifying a height for the element as well.

Answer №3

It seems Fumblr is correct - setting a height equal to the image's height should suffice. Their code appears to be effective.

To @Fumblr - I would like to give you a thumbs up, but unfortunately I am not permitted to do so at this time!

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