Assignment on Ionic's Cascading Style Sheets classes

As I work on styling my app, I find myself struggling with the extra CSS classes that are added when I preview the source in a running app. It's particularly confusing when all I want to do is change the menu header background. In my app.html file, I have:


But what I see when translated is:

<ion-header class="header header-md">
    <ion-toolbar class="toolbar toolbar-md">
        <div class="toolbar-background toolbar-background-md" ng-reflect-klass="toolbar-background" ng-reflect-ng-class="toolbar-background-md"></div><div class="toolbar-content toolbar-content-md" ng-reflect-klass="toolbar-content" ng-reflect-ng-class="toolbar-content-md">
            <ion-title class="title title-md"><div class="toolbar-title toolbar-title-md" ng-reflect-klass="toolbar-title" ng-reflect-ng-class="toolbar-title-md">Menu</div></ion-title>

The pattern of 'ion-element' translating to 'element element-md' makes sense, but it becomes more complex for elements like 'ion-toolbar' which adds a div unnecessarily.

<div class="toolbar-background toolbar-background-md" ng-reflect-klass="toolbar-background" ng-reflect-ng-class="toolbar-background-md"> 

I would appreciate clarity on how this translation process works as I aim to create clean and organized CSS rather than the current cluttered version!

Answer №1

ion-header and ion-toolbar are both angular directives that can have an HTML template and JavaScript associated with them. These directives add extra classes through their respective JavaScript functions. The code snippet below showcases an angular directive where a class is added to the original element. Upon inspection of the output, you will notice an additional div element being appended to the DOM - this is a result of the directive's template being included.

(function() {
  var app = angular.module("soDemo", []);
  app.directive("soDirective", SoDirective);

  function SoDirective() {
    var directive = {
      restrict: 'E',
      scope: {},
      link: link,
      template: '<div class="content">My directive contents</div>'
    return directive;
    function link(scope, element) {
.sample-class {
  display: block;
  border: 1px solid red;

.content {
  font-style: italic;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="sample" ng-app="soDemo">

Answer №2

Exploring the Header Ionic API Documentation, specifically for <ion-header>, reveals Sass variables tailored to 3 platforms - each platform is denoted by an abbreviation used to target specific styling rules:

  • iOS : ios
  • Material Design (default for browsers like Chrome) :md
  • Windows Platform : wp

These platform-specific styles are detailed here.

By using ionic serve --lab, you can select a platform to preview default file rendering.

To apply CSS customization for particular platforms, the syntax is:


A comprehensive list of SASS variables for various Ionic components can be found here. In your project's themes/variables.scss file, these values can be utilized. By defining SCSS variables such as $my-padding:5px; here, you can maintain uniformity and easily implement changes across your custom component CSS.

[ion-item] {
   padding: $my-padding;

The source folder for toolbars is located here.

The toolbar-header.ts file contains the @Directive selector 'ion-header' for the TypeScript class name Header associated with <ion-header>.

In addition, the toolbar.ts file features the @Directive selector 'ion-toolbar' linked to the TypeScript class name Toolbar for <ion-toolbar>.

There are individual scss files tailored for different platforms:

These files appear to import:

Additionally, configuration options can be set in your app-module.ts file.

 imports: [
   IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, { // settings object
     iconMode: 'ios', // all platforms globally use ios icons
     tabsHighlight: true, // applies specifically to android
     platforms: {
        android: { tabsPlacement: 'top' // platform-specific setting

This overview should provide valuable insights.

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