Assigning a background image based on the quantity of items in an array or object

I'm having trouble appending divs and setting their background image based on the number of items in an array or object. Despite adding the divs correctly, all of them end up with the same background image when only three should have it. Can someone explain why this is happening?


Here is the version using an array.

var plane_images = ["images/Top.png", "images/ata21.png", "images/ata26.png", "images/Top.png", "images/Top.png"];

for(var img = 0; img < plane_images.length; img++){
    $("#menu").append("<div class='schematics'></div>");
    $(".schematics").css("background-image", "url(" +plane_images[img] +")");

This is the object-oriented version.

var Plane_Images = {
    top: "images/Top.png",
    structure: "images/ata21.png",
    electrics: "images/ata26.png",
    fuel: "images/Top.png",
    hydraulics: "images/Top.png"

for(var images in Plane_Images){
    var image_src = Plane_Images[images];

    $("#menu").append("<div class='schematics'></div>");
    $(".schematics").css("background-image", "url(" +image_src +")");

It's worth noting that each console log shows the correct values being passed.


    <div id="header"></div>
    <div id="holder">
        <div id="menu"></div>
        <div id="plane_image"></div>
        <div id="sub_menu"></div>
    <div id="footer"></div>

Answer №1

Instead of adding the element and then selecting it immediately, a more efficient approach is to create the elements one by one, style them, and then add them to the DOM.

$menu = $("#menu");

for(var images in Plane_Images){
  var image_src = Plane_Images[images];
  $schematic = $("<div></div>");
  $schematic.css("background-image", "url(" + image_src +")");
  // you can log the element to the console to debug it here


By caching the menu element using this method, you avoid spending extra time evaluating the jQuery selector every iteration of the loop, resulting in faster performance as well.

If you prefer to use an Array instead of an object, you can utilize the jQuery $.each method:

$.each(Plane_Images, function(image_src) {
  $schematic = $("<div></div>");
  $schematic.css("background-image", "url(" + image_src +")");


Answer №2

$("#menu").append("<div class='schematics'></div>");
$(".schematics").css("background-image", "url(" +image_src +")");

You are targeting all elements with the class .schematics, including ones that existed before this code block.

A more accurate approach would be:

for(var key in Plane_Images){
    var image_src = Plane_Images[key];

    $("<div class='schematics'></div>")
        .css("background-image", "url(" +image_src +")")


Answer №3

Utilizing Identifiers:

var Aircraft_Pictures = {
  top: "images/Top.png",
  construction: "images/ata21.png",
  electrical: "images/ata26.png",
  fuel: "images/Top.png",
  hydraulics: "images/Top.png"

var x=1;
for(var pics in Aircraft_Pictures){
  var pic_src = Aircraft_Pictures[pics];

  $("#menu").append("<div class='schematics' id='bgPic"+x+"'></div>"); // include ID
  $("#bgPic"+x).css("background-image", "url(" +pic_src +")"); // utilize ID not class
  x++; // increment x to avoid multiple IDs

Answer №4

You have been setting the background based on a class which is causing the last image to override all other div backgrounds. It would be better to use an id instead. You can achieve this by:

for(var img = 0; img < plane_images.length; img++){
    $("#menu").append("<div class='schematics'"+i+"></div>");
    $("#schematics"+i).css("background-image", "url(" +plane_images[img] +")");

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