Arrow Buttons for Expanding and Collapsing Sections on an

I'm attempting to include a downward arrow when the section is closed and an upper arrow when it's open - at the right side of each tab's head in the accordion.

Here is the HTML I have implemented. It contains for-each loops.

-- JavaScript

$(function () {

        $('tr.accordion').click(function () {


    });{ background-color:rgb(233,242,253) }
.text-mid{ font-size:14px }
<div class="box-table" id="div_SummaryReport">
  <table class="research table text-center" id="tblSummary" width="100%">
    <thead style="position:relative;">
      <tr style="position:relative;">
        <th align="center" width="20%" style="position:relative;">&nbsp;</th>
        <th align="center" width="20%" style="position:relative;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Total Calls"> Total Calls</th>
        <th align="center" width="20%" style="position:relative;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Contacted"> Contacted</th>
        <th align="center" width="20%" style="position:relative;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="#of saved calls"> Saved</th>
        <th align="center" width="20%" style="position:relative;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Percent"> Percent %</th>

      @foreach (var item in Model.GroupingData) {
      <tr class="accordion">
        <td class="bg-light-blue text-mid" colspan="5"><span class="text-blue">@item.Key</span></td>

        <td class="bg-light-blue">downarrow</td>

      foreach (var data in item.Value) {
      <tr class="hidden-row">
      } }


The actual page closely resembles this Fiddle: This example uses plain html without any loops

Answer №1

solution showcased on fiddle, presenting the simplest method utilizing a class and a pseudoelement. Suggested to use font-awesome or an image for arrow representations, yet v and > were used as examples.

Update in CSS

tr.accordion td:last-child:after { float: right; }
tr.accordion td:last-child:after{ content: 'v';  }
tr.accordion.collapsed td:last-child:after{ content: '>'  }

JS Enhancements

$(function () {
    $('tr.accordion').click(function () {
                    var acdn = $(this);
            duration: 20,
          complete: function () {

                /* simplifying with a different completion function if dealing with one element is feasible. However, checking the row's direction when multiple rows involved. */

              if($(this).is(':hidden') && !acdn.hasClass('collapsed'))
              else if (!$(this).is(':hidden') && acdn.hasClass('collapsed'))


        // Alternatively, use the following line if the change event isn't essential.
        // $(this).toggleClass('collapsed');


Noted the arrows' reversal based on your recommendation. Typically, > signifies closed status and V represents open, but can be easily switched.

tr.accordion td:last-child:after{ content: '>';  }
tr.accordion.collapsed td:last-child:after{ content: 'v'  }

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