Arranging Tabs in an Uneven Stack: jQuery and CSS

Looking to stack 5 tabs on mobile with the odd tab at the top instead of the bottom? Currently set to 50% width and floated left, but they fill up the top first.

<div class="tab-row">
  <button class="tab active">A</button>
  <button class="tab">B</button>
  <button class="tab">C</button>
  <button class="tab">D</button>
  <button class="tab">E</button>

Code for handling tab selection:

$(".tab").click(function() {

  // All versions

  // Mobile version clones rather than moves $(this) to preserve order

  if(window.matchMedia("(max-width: 1100px)").matches) {
     $(this).clone().addClass("clone active").insertAfter(".tab-row button:last-of-type");
  // Full width
  else { $(this).addClass("active"); }

  // Code to load tab content not shown


(Separate code puts Tab A at the bottom when loading on mobile.)

Previously tried setting a clear: but the clone js messes it up. Is there another feasible route?

Struggling with this, any help is appreciated!

Illustration available at

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, utilize display:flex in conjunction with flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;

$(".tab").click(function() {

  // All versions

  // mobile version does clone thing rather than moving $(this) in order to preserve original order of inactive tabs

  if(window.matchMedia("(max-width: 1100px)").matches) {
     $(this).clone().addClass("clone active").insertAfter(".tab-row button:last-of-type");
  // full width
  else { $(this).addClass("active"); }

  // code to load the tab content elided

  background-color: DodgerBlue;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;

<script src=""></script>
<div class="tab-row">
  <button class="tab active">A</button>
  <button class="tab">B</button>
  <button class="tab">C</button>
  <button class="tab">D</button>
  <button class="tab">E</button>

For a demonstration and testing, visit this link:

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