Arrangement using the display property of inline-block not following a linear direction

I'm experiencing some issues with the arrangement of elements on this page: When the viewport width is around 800px, the layout appears misaligned. Some lines have only a few bottles even though there is space for more. Is there a solution to this problem, possibly by utilizing bootstrap? Ideally, I would like the bottoms of the containers to be aligned. My CSS:

        .photo-link {
            max-width: 300px;
            display: inline-block;
            float: left;
            text-align: center;
            font-size: medium;
            padding: 5px;
            margin: 5px;
            border: 3px solid #663366;         


<a href="i/360widex43high.jpg" class="photo-link fancybox" title="360widex43high">
<img src="t/360widex43high.jpg" /><br>360widex43high</a>
<a href="i/43widex360high.jpg" class="photo-link fancybox" title="43widex360high">
<img src="t/43widex360high.jpg" /><br>43widex360high</a>

Answer №1

Would you prefer each image to have a unique size? My suggestion is that it's simpler to fill empty spaces if all images have the same height.

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