Area of Interest - Underline

Check out this navigation menu:

body {
  border: solid 3px black;

#UL_1 {
  align-items: stretch;
  block-size: 103px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  /* Additional CSS properties */

/* Styling for UL_1 */

#LI_2 {
  align-items: center;
  block-size: 103px;
  bottom: 0px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  /* Additional CSS properties */

/* Styling for LI_2 */

<span id="SPAN_4">
    <!-- Custom styling -->

<!-- More spans and styles -->

/* Additional span styles */


  <ul id="UL_1">
    <li id="LI_2">
      <a href="http://index.html" id="A_3"><span id="SPAN_4"></span> <span id="SPAN_5"><span id="SPAN_6"></span> <span id="SPAN_7">Home <span id="SPAN_8"><i id="I_9"></i></span></span></span></a>

    <!-- Additional list items -->


The hover effect on the links only applies to the text, not the surrounding area. The issue stems from the positioning of the border in relation to padding. While trying to expand the hover area, the positioning of the border becomes problematic.

To address this challenge, consider repositioning the elements or utilizing pseudoelements like ::after to create the desired effect without compromising the border placement. Experiment with different approaches to achieve a balance between hover functionality and visual aesthetics.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with implementation, feel free to ask for help!

Answer №1

To achieve the effect you are looking for, hover over your list item (LI) so that the inner span receives a border.

Check out the updated jsfiddle here

To make this work, simply update your CSS for the hover state as shown below:

#LI_2:hover #SPAN_5,
#LI_10:hover #SPAN_13,
#LI_16:hover #SPAN_19 {
  border-bottom-style: solid;
  border-bottom-width: 3px;
  border-bottom-color: red;

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