Are you looking for methods to alter the elements of a webpage prior to viewing it?

I have created a page with the intention of using it as a tool, but I am facing some challenges due to my limited experience in this field. As a newcomer, I am struggling to achieve certain goals: - My objective is to modify the values of an element on a page that has not yet been opened. - Is there a function that I can implement on the current page to set predefined static or dynamic values for the elements on the next page?

I lack the knowledge on how to manipulate elements that are not currently open, and I'm unsure if it's even feasible. While I have successfully updated elements on my current page, I am clueless on how to alter something on the subsequent page after clicking on one of the links.

        <a href="" class="btn btn-info mx-1" role="button">Park Property Management</a>
        <a href="" class="btn btn-info mx-1" role="button">Millgate Manor</a>
        <a href="" class="btn btn-info mx-1" role="button">Weston Towers</a>
        <a href="" class="btn btn-info mx-1" role="button">Kingston</a>
        <a href="" class="btn btn-info mx-1" role="button">Region Of Peel</a>  

Therefore, my expectation is to click on one of the links and have the elements within the linked pages pre-filled with specific static values upon opening.

Answer №1

It is not recommended to directly manipulate the content of another page using JavaScript from the current page due to security concerns.

However, if you have access to the source code of both pages, you can indirectly influence the content by adding JavaScript to both of them. One method suggested by some comments is to use search parameters in the link URL to pass information along. (Search parameters are the extra information that appears at the end of a URL, such as ?name=john&id=555)

To learn more about working with search parameters in JavaScript, you can visit this link:

Remember, don't give up! Your skills will improve as you continue experimenting and problem-solving.


Exercise caution when using search parameters to modify or display content on a page, as it can pose security risks. Always validate input before displaying anything from the search parameters directly on the page. One approach for handling dynamic content based on search parameters is to use if .. else statements or a switch block to match the search parameters against expected inputs. If there is no match, simply refrain from displaying any content.

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