Are there any resources available for optimizing performance on iOS and Android browsers?

Being a web developer means considering the Android and iOS web browsers, which have their own rendering engines and limitations in power and memory. This can pose many complications.

Therefore, I'm curious if there is a detailed guide available for performance tuning (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) specifically tailored for these browsers?

Answer №1

While I have not come across a comprehensive guide specifically for mobile development, my approach to coding is to treat it just like desktop browser development, with some additional considerations:

  • Focus on maximizing cache usage with tools like CDN, ETags, and proper expiry dates.
  • Avoid reflows and repaints as they can be CPU intensive.
  • Optimize images to reduce download sizes.
  • Minimize server round-trips and use of JS/CSS resources, especially considering the slower speeds of mobile networks compared to wired internet connections.
  • Avoid using animated gifs, 3D transforms, and other resource-heavy features.

For further reading, check out this resource:

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