Are there any possible resolutions to the issues plaguing Next.Js?

After switching from React to Next.JS, I've encountered some challenges that I'm hoping to find solutions for:

  1. In contrast to React, Next.JS doesn't allow me to change a specific part of a webpage and maintain a static element like a navbar across all pages without manually adding the Navbar component to each page.

  2. The way CSS is handled using {styles.example} in Next.JS feels cumbersome. While many suggest using to include CSS within JS files, it becomes confusing when attempting to make it responsive. Is there a simpler way to import CSS into JS files and apply classes like classname='example' in example.module.css?

Answer №1

  1. Utilize the _app file for Next.js

  1. Importing CSS in the _app file makes it global

Extending CSS


  • Using head in _app for compiled global CSS like bootstrap reset...
  • Importing CSS in _app for custom global CSS
  • Using head in component for compiled CSS specific to the component, e.g., date picker
  • Importing CSS in component in a specific named fashion
  • styled-jsx: for styling components following a CSS fashion, scoped by default and can be made global with prop
  • Element-style: React approach for styling at the element level

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