Are there any options available for customizing the animation settings on the UI-bootstrap's carousel feature?

If you're interested in seeing an example of the standard configuration, check out this link. It's surprising how scarce the documentation is for many of the features that the UIB team has developed...

I'm curious if anyone here has experience with modifying the animation during slide transitions. I've been wanting to make some custom adjustments to the current animation settings but haven't been able to find any examples of others doing so.

So far, all I've come across is information about the no-transition property which takes a boolean value to control the slide animation...

Answer №1

It's interesting to note that the animations used in angular-ui-bootstrap are actually the CSS transitions from TWBS as outlined in carousel.less here. Take a look at the .item rule beginning on line 11. The angular-ui-bootstrap carousel directive seamlessly incorporates the next/prev/right/left classes to enable smooth transitions.

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