Are events flaring up, yet yielding no results?

I've been following a course on Pluralsight about creating web apps using .NET Core. The instructor uses jQuery version 2.4.3, but I decided to use the latest jQuery version 3.x.

I copied the code exactly as shown in the course:

(function () {
    var ele = $("#userName");
    ele.text("Some Dude");

    var main = $("#main");
    main.on("mouseenter", function () {
        main.css("background-color", "#888;");
    main.on("mouseleave", function () {
        main.css("background-color", "");

However, when I tried mousing over my div, nothing happened. No color change, no response at all. After some investigation, I realized that I should probably do it this way instead:

(function () {
     var ele = $("#userName");
     ele.text("Some Dude");

     var main = $("#main");
     main.on("mouseover", function () {
         main.css("background-color", "#888;");
     .on("mouseout", function () {
         main.css("background-color", "");

Even though "enter" and "out" are printed in the console, the background color of my div still doesn't change.

What am I missing here?

Answer №1

To improve the code, consider removing the ";" in

main.css("background-color", "#888;")

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