Applying CSS dynamically to a mat-cell in Angular 6

In my material table, I need to apply specific CSS classes based on the content of the cell.

These are the CSS classes that I am using

    flex: 0 0 10% !important;
    width: 10% !important;

    flex: 0 0 10% !important;
    width: 10% !important;
    background: rgb(196,214,160);
    color: rgb(80,99,42);

    flex: 0 0 10% !important;
    width: 10% !important;
    background: rgb(229,185,181);
    color: rgb(97,38,33);

    flex: 0 0 10% !important;
    width: 10% !important;
    background: rgb(216,216,216);

Below is the HTML code snippet

<ng-container matColumnDef="Warehouse">
                <mat-header-cell class="status-code" *matHeaderCellDef> Warehouse </mat-header-cell>
                <mat-cell class="{{row.warehouse}} == 'Success' ? status-code-success : ({{row.warehouse}} == 'Failed' ? status-code-failed : status-code-empty)" *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.warehouse}} </mat-cell>

            <ng-container matColumnDef="DPI">
                <mat-header-cell class="status-code" *matHeaderCellDef> DPI </mat-header-cell>
                <mat-cell class="{{row.dpi}} == 'Success' ? status-code-success : ({{row.dpi}} == 'Failed' ? status-code-failed : status-code-empty)" *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.dpi}} </mat-cell>

However, when I have only one row with 'Success' in the Warehouse cell, it shows up with a pink background.

I'm not sure what's causing this issue. Can someone please help me figure out what might be wrong?

Answer №1

Implement this solution by utilizing [ngClass].

When using ngClass, remember to make the following adjustments:

* Remove the curly braces {} around each variable
*. Enclose all class names in single quotes.

<ng-container matColumnDef="Warehouse">
    <mat-header-cell class="status-code" *matHeaderCellDef> Warehouse </mat-header-cell>
    <mat-cell [ngClass]="row.warehouse == 'Success' ? 'status-code-success' : (row.warehouse == 'Failed' ? 'status-code-failed' : 'status-code-empty')"
         *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.warehouse}} </mat-cell>

<ng-container matColumnDef="DPI">
    <mat-header-cell class="status-code" *matHeaderCellDef> DPI </mat-header-cell>
    <mat-cell [ngClass]="row.dpi == 'Success' ? 'status-code-success' : (row.dpi == 'Failed' ? 'status-code-failed' : 'status-code-empty')"
         *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.dpi}} </mat-cell>

Please address the typo in the class name.

Replace .status-code-succsess with .status-code-success

    flex: 0 0 10% !important;
    width: 10% !important;
    background: rgb(196,214,160);
    color: rgb(80,99,42);

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