Apply an active navigation class depending on the current URL in the session

Is there a way to dynamically add an .active class (font-weight:700;) to the active pages navigation menu based on the category in the URL?

The system url is constructed using session and category parameters.

For example, the homepage for logged-in users is located at

And the navigation menu links are structured as follows:

  • Cat 1 -
  • Cat 2 -

If anyone can guide me on how to extract the category from the URL and apply the .active class accordingly, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

<div id="SbCatMenu">
<dl id="dlCatLvl1" class="clsCatLvl1 clsOffCat1">
<dd class="clsCatTree1 clsCTree1" id="CatImg1"><a href="../OeCart/OeFrame.asp?PmSess1=1338988&amp;SXREF=1">Apparel<span class="clsCatOffCount"> 15</span></a></dd>
<dd class="clsCatTree1 clsCTree1" id="CatImg2"><a href="../OeCart/OeFrame.asp?PmSess1=1338988&amp;SXREF=2">Events<span class="clsCatOffCount"> 23</span></a></dd>


I've attempted the following JavaScript code without success:


//this returns the whole url

  var current = window.location.href;

  //this identifies the list you are targeting

  $('#dlCatLvl1 dd a').each(function(){
    var $this = $(this);

  // if the current path is exactly like this link, make it active

    if($this.attr('href') === current){        
       $this.css('color', 'red');

Answer №1

Focus on matching instead of comparing values:

if(current.match($this.attr('href').replace('..', '') !== null){     
  $this.css('color', 'red');

Since all your href values begin with ../OeCart/OeFrame.asp[...]and your browser's href always starts with the full url[...].

EDIT: The beginning of your href-values contains dots, so remove them.

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