Appearing text dialogue

Can you tell me the name of the box that appears on top of a webpage?

A couple of examples include:

  • Facebook photos - It dims the background webpage and opens a separate pop-up to display pictures.
  • Advertisements - The box that typically requires clicking the 'x' to close.

This type of box usually appears in the center of the page, providing important information or just for additional content.

I am interested in creating a similar box to provide an introduction to what the webpage is about, sort of like an orientation. It could be triggered by a user clicking "learn more", for example.

Answer №1

Here is a straightforward method for creating an overlay popup using pure JavaScript. While using libraries like jQuery can simplify this process, the following code demonstrates how to achieve the same result without additional dependencies.

Included in the CSS code are comments explaining each section's purpose, making it easier to understand and customize as needed.

// Ensure the DOM is loaded before accessing elements
window.onload = function() {
   // Assign click event to 'LearnMoreBtn' button
   document.getElementById("LearnMoreBtn").onclick = function(){
      var overlay = document.getElementById("overlay");
      var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
    = "block"; = "block";
#overlay {

#popup {
   border:2px solid #000; 
<button id="LearnMoreBtn">Learn More</button>
<div id="overlay"></div>
<div id="popup">
  Popup contents here

To hide the overlay and popup, simply set .style.display back to none. = "none"; = "none";

Keep in mind that with this code, the overlay and popup will appear abruptly without any fading effects. For smoother animations, consider using libraries like jQuery or similar alternatives.

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