Any text that has the color code #0000 will not be displayed

Our CSS styles used to work seamlessly with the <p> tag until the latest Firefox update to version 49.0.1. However, after the update, the text doesn't appear at all when the class is applied to the <p> tag. Removing the class displays the text properly.

Here are the classes and tags being used:

.primaryText {
  color: #0000;
<p class="primaryText">Hello world</p>

Did something change with the new Firefox browser?

Answer №1

When using hex RGBA values, the last digit signifies the alpha or transparency level.

The four-digit hex is a limited version of the hexadecimal #RGBA format, only supported on FF (v49).

"#", followed by four hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F), with each representing red, green, blue, and transparency respectively.

(source: MDN)

It's recommended to use the standard hex formats (#RGB and #RRGGBB) until wider support is available.

#000000 && #000 = Black

#00000000 && #0000 = Fully transparent black

This feature is implemented in Chrome Canary (v52) but I have not been able to verify it on Linux.

Answer №2

When defining the color black in hex rgb format, use either #000 for the short form or #000000 for the full form. Avoid using #0000.

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