animation() function does not function properly in internet explorer

I am currently facing an issue with a script that is supposed to animate a button when hovered, but it doesn't seem to work in Internet Explorer. The script uses jQuery and functions perfectly fine in all other browsers.

If you could take a look at the fiddle here: I have tried my best to replicate my actual code and have included some surrounding code for context.

$("#main-nav div").hover(function() {
    top: "-40px"
  }, { queue: false, duration: 200 });
}, function() {
    top: "0px"
  }, { queue: false, duration: 200 });

I suspect there might be an html or css error causing the problem because when I test the jQuery code on its own, it works perfectly. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact issue.

I have noticed that some of the html markup in the fiddle appears in red, indicating a possible error, but I'm having trouble identifying it.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Answer №1

To make it functional, include display: inline-block in the CSS for the animated div element.

I have made corrections to your JS Fiddle

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, you can ditch jQuery and opt for a simpler CSS solution. You can create a hover effect using the :hover pseudo class along with the transition property in CSS.

The beauty of this approach is that it's not only easy to implement but also works seamlessly on older versions of Internet Explorer, all the way down to IE7. However, keep in mind that the animation may not be supported in IE8 or earlier versions.

But fret not! Transitions are more about aesthetics than functionality, so missing out on them in older IE browsers isn't a deal breaker. In fact, it adds a bit of flair for users who stay up-to-date with Windows Updates.

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