Animating several elements by toggling their classes

I'm struggling to implement smooth animations on this box. I've tried using 'switchClass' but can't seem to keep everything together. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code snippet for reference:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
#box {
    position: relative;
    margin: auto;
    padding: auto;
    display: block;
    width: 167px;
    height: 167px;
#box .item {
    position: relative;
    margin: 0;
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 33%;
    cursor: pointer;
#box .over {
    height: 84%;
#box .other {
    height: 8%;
#top {
    background: red;
#mid {
    background: green;
#bot {
    background: blue;
function animateBox(item) {
    $('.item').attr('class', 'item other');
    $('#' +'class', 'item over');

function resetBox() {
    $('.item').attr('class', 'item');
<div id='box' onmouseout="resetBox()">
    <div id='top' class='item' onmouseover='animateBox(this)'></div>
    <div id='mid' class='item' onmouseover='animateBox(this)'></div>
    <div id='bot' class='item' onmouseover='animateBox(this)'></div>

edit: The code is functioning correctly, however, some additional animations are needed to enhance the final output.

Answer №1

It might not be the most cutting-edge solution, but it gets the job done:

var $elements = $('.element').on({
    mouseover: function () {
        $elements.removeClass('active inactive');
        $elements.stop().filter(this).animate({height: '84%'}, function () {
        .end().not(this).animate({height: '8%'}, function () {
    reset: function() {
        $elements.removeClass('active inactive').stop().animate({height: '33%'});

$('#container').mouseout(function() {

Answer №2

If you're looking to add some animation effects, I recommend checking out the jQuery animate documentation

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

$('.element').hover(function() {
    width: '50%'
  }, 500, function() {
    // Animation complete.
}, function() {
    width: '100px'
  }, 500, function() {
    // Animation complete.

In this scenario, using `mouseout` or `mouseover` isn't necessary.

Answer №3

If you're using CSS class attributes for your animation, why not take advantage of the CSS3 hover pseudo-selector?

For example:

.box {
    width: 200px;

.box:hover {
    width: 400px;

<div class="box">Hover over me!</div>

Additional: Reponse to feedback

If you need a custom animation duration, you can use a callback function with a specified duration. Here's how:

   width: '200px',
   color: 'blue'
}, 5000, function() {
   // Animation completes after 5 seconds.
   alert("Animation complete!");

Addition #2

The issue lies here:

$('.item').attr('class', 'item other');

This causes each box to first become 8% height before expanding the main animating box. Removing this will keep your #box at a consistent height throughout all animations!

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