Animated presentation with Java Script

I am looking to create a slideshow with animation. I want there to be a delay of 1-2 seconds before each transition, or change in image, after the animation is completed. How can I achieve this?

            animation:myfirst 5s;
            -webkit-animation:myfirst 5s; 
        @keyframes myfirst
            from {width:0;}

        @-webkit-keyframes myfirst /* Safari and Chrome */
            from {width:0;}
            to {width:300;}

        <div id="slideshow">
            <img id="imge" src="img1.jpg" height="200" width="300"/>
            var count=1;


            function mf(){




Answer №1

var counter = 0;
function slideshow()

document.getElementById("imge").src = "img" + counter + ".jpg";

if(counter == 3)
  setTimeout("slideshow()", 8000);
if(counter < 3)
counter = 1;
setTimeout("slideshow()", 5000);


It would be more effective to create the slideshow using only CSS3 or utilize the overflow CSS property for creating a slideshow in JavaScript.
Check out this example of a CSS3 slideshow This resource was very helpful for me in designing my game map similar to Google Maps. I highly recommend exploring this link to understand the process of creating animations on the web.

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