Animate with Jquery sliding technique

Allow me to explain a situation that may seem unclear at first glance.

I have implemented a jQuery script that animates a sliding box upon hover.

$(function() {
    $('.toggler').hover(function() {

My question is whether there is a way to prevent the box from continuously popping up and down if the user rapidly moves their mouse over it multiple times.

Hopefully, this explanation makes sense.

Here is the HTML structure:

<div class ="expandableboxes">
    <div class="toggler"> This is the title 
        <div> This is the content to be toggled </div>

    <div class="toggler"> This is the title 
        <div> This is the content to be toggled </div>

    <div class="toggler"> This is the title 
        <div> This is the content to be toggled </div>

    <div class="toggler"> This is the title 
        <div> This is the content to be toggled </div>

    <div class="toggler"> This is the title 
        <div> This is the content to be toggled </div>

Answer №1

Utilize both the stop and slideDown functions.

.stop( [clearQueue ] [, jumpToEnd ] )

Description: Cease the ongoing animation on the selected elements.

$(function() {
  $('.toggler').hover(function(e) {
    if (!$("toggler")) { return; }
    $(this).find('div').stop().slideDown(1000, "easeOutBounce");
.toggler > div { display: none; }
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="expandableboxes">
  <div class="toggler">This is the title
    <div>This is the content to be toggled</div>

  <div class="toggler">This is the title
    <div>This is the content to be toggled</div>

  <div class="toggler">This is the title
    <div>This is the content to be toggled</div>

  <div class="toggler">This is the title
    <div>This is the content to be toggled</div>

  <div class="toggler">This is the title
    <div>This is the content to be toggled</div>

Answer №2

For a smoother user experience, consider utilizing the mouseenter event instead of causing frequent pops up and down.

$(function() {
 $('.toggler'). mouseenter(function() {

To see a demonstration, click here.

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