AngularJS Textarea with New Lines after Comma

As a beginner in front-end development, I am exploring different approaches to handling a text area that inserts a new line after each comma. My main focus is on finding the best solution within AngularJs (filter, Regex, etc).





Current Setup:

<textarea cols="105" rows="30" disabled="true"
          style="background-color: floralwhite; resize: none; white-space: normal; margin-top: 0px; border: none;">

I attempted to create a filter but did not succeed:

.filter('newlines', function () {
     return function (text) {
         return text.replace(',', '<br/>');

Answer №1

Your code has been updated and fixed successfully.

One change that was made is replacing white-space: normal; with white-space: pre-line;

Additionally, the filter has been enhanced to handle a regular expression. According to information from W3C:

The replace() method searches for a specified value or regular expression within a string, then replaces it with another value.

Note: When replacing a specific value (not using a regular expression), only the first instance will be replaced. To replace all occurrences of the value, add the global (g) modifier.

app.filter('newlines', function () {
  return function (text) {
    return text.replace(/,/g, '\n');

After making these changes, the textarea should appear as follows:

<textarea cols="105" rows="30" disabled="true"
          style="background-color: floralwhite; white-space: pre-line; resize: none; margin-top: 0px; border: none;">
    {{profile.exampleValues | newlines}}

Please refer to this Plunker link for further details.

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