AngularJs fails to render CSS styles

I'm encountering a small issue with my angularJS code. I am attempting to showcase JSON data that includes both CSS and HTML code. However, on my website, all that is displayed is a hard-coded form of HTML and CSS (resembling the code below). I have tried using ng-bind-html/ng-bind-html-unsafe, but it only shows the HTML and the CSS code disappears. The simplest solution would be to convert the displayed text to code, but I am unsure how to accomplish this.

Answer №1

If you're looking to incorporate JSON data using angularjs, you can utilize the $compile service within your controller like so:

Start off by adding a dependency to $compile in your controller and input the following code:

    myHTML = '<p></p>'; // your JSON data             
    var compiled = $compile(myHTML)($scope);

Keep in mind that manipulating the DOM in the controller is not considered a recommended practice. Instead, it's advised to create a directive for this purpose.

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