Angular Material - truncating selected text in a list

I'm having trouble implementing the Angular Material list with checkboxes, where the text needs to be truncated instead of word-wrapped due to limited UI space. I have modified an example on the Angular Material site to demonstrate the issue. The text is being cut off, but not with an ellipse as expected. Can someone skilled in CSS help me out?

Here's how it currently looks:

I would like each line to end with "..." before the checkbox.

I've tried using the CSS properties text-truncate: ellipsis and white-space: nowrap.

Answer №1

Modifications needed included adding a nested div like this

<div class="text">
Another illustration of a lengthy text that may require truncation on various screens

The following CSS snippet was also added to enable overflow handling

.content {

.text {
  min-width: 0px;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;

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