Angular material chips showcase a row of five chips

I am working with the basic mat-chips from angular material and I want to arrange them in rows of five without increasing their size:
Chip1 Chip2 Chip3 Chip4 Chip5 ..................(space left)
Chip6 Chip7 Chip8 Chip9 Chip10 ...............(space left)
Chip11 Chip12 ....................................................(space left).

I need the chips' sizes to remain consistent at all times. Can this be achieved using flexbox? This is what I have tried so far: HTML:

<div class='list'>
   <mat-form-field class="example-chip-list" appearance="fill">
  <mat-label>Favorite Fruits</mat-label>
  <mat-chip-list #chipList aria-label="Fruit selection">
    <mat-chip *ngFor="let fruit of fruits" id='item' (removed)="remove(fruit)">
      <button matChipRemove>


 width: 100%;
 flex-flow: row wrap;

flex: 1 0 20%; //I've attempted this, but it's not working as the chip sizes are still expanding to fill the div

Answer №1

It seems like achieving this using just CSS may be a challenge at the moment (although I could be mistaken). If all your chips are uniform in size, you might consider utilizing a CSS grid layout, but it appears that is not the case here. A possible solution would involve adding an additional HTML element every N items (in this scenario, every 5 items) to force the line break.

To implement this, you would need to reposition the *ngFor directive to a higher level (utilizing ng-container to avoid generating extra markup) and use its index to determine when to insert the additional item after every 5th chip:

<div class="list">
  <mat-form-field class="example-chip-list" appearance="fill">
    <mat-label>Favorite Fruits</mat-label>
    <mat-chip-list #chipList aria-label="Fruit selection">
      <ng-container *ngFor="let fruit of fruits; let idx = index;">
        <mat-chip id="item" (removed)="remove(fruit)">
          <button matChipRemove>
        <br class="breaker" *ngIf="(idx+1)%5===0" />

I opted for the <br/> tag as it aligns with semantics, but feel free to choose otherwise.

Simply style the .breaker class accordingly:

.breaker {
  content: '';

You can find a functional StackBlitz demo here.

Please note that this solution lacks responsiveness - for instance, if 5 chips cannot fit on a single row. However, considering your specific requirement of 5 chips per row, it doesn't leave much room for responsive design. It could be possible to adapt the layout dynamically by measuring the rendered chips and adjusting them on-the-fly through scripting, but this would require further exploration based on the project's demands.

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