Angular 9 - Auto-adjust the height of the text box as the user types, returning to its original size when no longer in focus

I need a solution where an input field's height adjusts to display the user's entry, then returns to normal size when they click away. It should function similar to this example image:

Once the user enters their request (like the second request entry), the input field will expand, and when they click out of the box, it will shrink back to its original size (like the first request entry). This behavior is similar to how the "POSTMAN" app handles entering header or query parameters.

Answer №1

Referencing the solution found in this particular response on Stack Overflow

A method involves defining a variable 'height' and a function that handles the textarea element:

height = "1.125rem";

adjustHeight(textArea) {
    this.height = null;
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.height = textArea.scrollHeight + "px";

The process of achieving an auto-sizing effect requires setting height to null initially, then updating it to scrollHeight within a setTimeout function for better control.

To manage the height adjustments, you can utilize (focus), (blur), and (input) events:

<textarea #textArea  [style.height]="height" 

For a demonstration, view a simple example on StackBlitz

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