Angular 5: Transforming and Concealing CSS Class Names

Can CSS selectors be renamed or obfuscated in an Angular CLI project? Many top websites like Google and Facebook use randomized CSS names for various reasons, such as preventing website scripting through targeting static class names.

I would like to implement a similar strategy in my app, but I'm not seeing any straightforward way to do so. This article demonstrates how it can be achieved with one line using webpack, but Angular CLI doesn't seem to allow webpack configuration options.

Is there a solution that doesn't involve writing a custom script, or will I have to create one myself? I am willing to write a custom script if necessary, but I want to ensure I'm not duplicating existing solutions first.

Answer №1

Yes, it is true that Angular CLI provides the option for Webpack configuration.

To initiate webpack configuration, simply run the command:

$ ng eject

By doing this, a webpack.config.js file will be created for you to customize as per your requirements (such as adding CSS rules).

However, bear in mind that you cannot launch your project using ng serve anymore; instead, execute

npm run build & npm run start
to make it functional!

Edit: In case you need to undo the effects of ng eject, you must modify your .angular.cli.json file and change ejected to false:

"project": { 
  "ejected": false

For additional details, please refer to this link:

Answer №2

One possible solution is to utilize the rename-css-selectors tool to parse your code post-build.

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