Android Webkit does not properly respect z-index when it comes to absolutely positioned elements

This tricky bug is causing quite the headache.

Check out Android ticket 6721 for a demonstration of how the Android browser fails to adhere to z-index rules with absolutely positioned elements overlapping <a> or <input> tags. I desperately need a workaround. Any brave souls tackled this issue before?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

This issue appears to be linked to controls that are specially designed for the browser. While investigating this problem in chromium, I came across a similar issue where pressing the tab key still allowed focusing on input elements. This is likely not desired behavior (even if it's just bleedthrough). The solution is surprisingly simple - you can modify your script to add the disabled attribute to all overlayed input/button/etc. elements. A disabled input will prevent it from receiving focus (via keyboard or other means), and clicking on it should also become impossible.

By disabling unnecessary keyboard navigation, this approach not only serves as a fix but also enhances the overall design, ensuring smoother keyboard-based navigation experience.

Answer №2

When addressing the question at hand, it is essential to refer to the bug page for a thorough understanding. The issue lies not in the visibility of the input below, but rather in its "clickability."

While I am unable to test this myself, there are some potential solutions worth considering:

0 Instead of using absolute positioning, consider employing two divs and toggling their visibility.

If this approach does not meet your needs...

1 Experiment with setting CSS position to either absolute or relative for all a and input tags (although this may require adjusting your CSS layout).

2 Create an <a>-tag container:

 <div style="z-index:100 etc."><a style="width: 100%; height:100%; z-index:101">
     Insert content here

Additional CSS adjustments will likely be necessary to ensure the appearance of the content remains intact. However, implementing something similar to this might resolve the issue.

If attempts 1 and 2 prove ineffective, try combining them simultaneously ;)

3 In the event that the problem persists, delve deeper into the specific interactions occurring upon clicking. Bind click and mousedown events to: link on top, container on top, input in the bottom, and log them. If any of these events occur on the top link, consider stopping the bubbling process at a certain point or preventing the event from reaching the input at the bottom.

This undertaking may be challenging, but I would be glad to offer some assistance. Utilizing jQuery could greatly aid in this endeavor.

Answer №3

Past solutions to address this issue in Internet Explorer have included a variety of methods, some of which are outlined below. While originally intended for IE, these approaches could potentially resolve the problem in Android as well.

  1. Place an iframe behind the absolute content to potentially hide troublesome elements

  2. Utilize JavaScript to conceal problematic elements when displaying absolute content

  3. Arrange the divs in reverse order to see if it impacts the rendering

The first method is often considered the most effective for Internet Explorer, although it may not be the most elegant solution for your specific case.

Answer №4

For all elements causing issues, make sure to include the following CSS:

 -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

Answer №5

Imitate USER INPUT and A using DIV elements.


<div href="" rel="a">Link</div>

<div class="field">
    <input type="text" style="display: none" />

    $('div[rel=a]).click(function() {
        location.href = $(this).attr('href');
    $('.field > div').click(function() {
        $('.field > input').show();
    $('.field > input').blur(function() {
        $('.field > div').html($(this).val()).show();

Answer №6

When dealing with the same issue in IE, the solution involves applying z-index to every element involved in positioning and their containers. Simply adding a z-index to one element in the dom allows IE to understand its z position but not necessarily its relationship to adjacent elements.

For example:

container - z-index 0
child (on top container) - z-index 1
child 2 (above all) - z-index 999

This workaround is primarily for dealing with IE's quirks, but it may be worth experimenting with in Android as well.

Another suggestion:

Although I don't have experience with the Android browser, consider exploring Superfish, a javascript menu that addresses z-index issues when dropdown menus overlap select boxes. They use BgIframe to achieve this effect, so your solution might be found there.

Answer №7

Wrap the following HTML code in a div element and use JavaScript to set its display property to none. This way, the content will not be visible or clickable as a modal.

Answer №8

To tackle this issue successfully, ensure that you apply a z-index to the parent wrapper and clearly define z-index values for all other elements. This will establish a baseline understanding of the z-index property among all elements involved in the solution.

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