.nav-wrapper {
height: 30px;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: #eee;
float: left;
width: 85%;
float: left;
width: 20%;
cursor: pointer;
background: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
.image {
width: 15%;
float: left;
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<div class="image">
<b>Place the image here to align with the Menu</b>
<div class="navigation_desktop">
<div class="button_desktop_01">1.0 Main Menu </div>
<div class="button_desktop_01">2.0 Main Menu </div>
<p>Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision. Year well shot deny shew come now had. Shall downs stand marry taken his for out. Do related mr account brandon an up. Wrong for never ready ham these witty him. Our compass see age uncivil matters weather forbade her minutes. Ready how but truth son new under.
Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty unreserved who. Entreaties mr conviction dissimilar me astonished estimating cultivated. On no applauded exquisite my additions. Pronounce add boy estimable nay suspected. You sudden nay elinor thirty esteem temper. Quiet leave shy you gay off asked large style.
Betrayed cheerful declared end and. Questions we additions is extremely incommode. Next half add call them eat face. Age lived smile six defer bed their few. Had admitting concluded too behaviour him she. Of death to or to being other.
Received shutters expenses ye he pleasant. Drift as blind above at up. No up simple county stairs do should praise as. Drawings sir gay together landlord had law smallest. Formerly welcomed attended declared met say unlocked. Jennings outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent middleton be as it curiosity departure ourselves.
On then sake home is am leaf. Of suspicion do departure at extremely he bel...
<exanswer3><div class="answer" i="45659037" l="3.0" c="1502606716" v="1" a="QWxleGlzIFdvbGxzZWlmZW4=" ai="4614064">
<p>Your topbar needs to remain fixed, not the internal elements. Additionally, as Alex noted, fixed positioning ignores float attributes.</p>
<p>The solution involves removing position:fixed from the components within your top bar. Instead, ensure the width of .nav-wrapper is set to 100%, and adjust the widths of the navigation items accordingly, considering the image size of 15%. Avoid the use of margins for better alignment.</p>
<p>For instance:</p>
<pre class="snippet-code-css lang-css"><code>.nav-wrapper {
height: 30px;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: #eee;
float: left;
width: 85%;
float: left;
width: 20%;
cursor: pointer;
background: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
.image {
width: 15%;
float: left;
<div clas...
<exanswer3><div class="answer" i="45659037" l="3.0" c="1502606716" v="1" a="QWxleGlzIFdvbGxzZWlmZW4=" ai="4614064">
<p>Ensure that your topbar stays fixed in place, with the contents inside it remaining fixed as well. It's important to remember that using fixed positioning will disregard any floating properties.</p>
<p>To address this issue, make sure to remove the position:fixed property from the inner elements of your topbar. Instead, adjust the width of .nav-wrapper to be 100% and appropriately resize your navigation items based on the image dimensions (15%). Also, avoid incorporating margins into your layout for improved alignment.</p>
<p>Example code snippet:</p>
<pre class="snippet-code-css lang-css"><code>.nav-wrapper {
height: 30px;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: #eee;
float: left;
width: 85%;
float: left;
width: 20%;
cursor: pointer;
background: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
.image {
width: 15%;
float: left;
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<div class="image">
<b>Image placement here should align with the Menu</b>
<div class="navigation_desktop">
<div class="button_desktop_01>1.0 Main Menu </div>
<div class="button_desktop_01">2.0 Main Menu </div>