An HTML table featuring rows of input boxes that collapse when the default value is not filled in

My table is populated with dynamic rows of input boxes, some of which may have a default value while others return an empty string ''. This causes the table to collapse on those inputs.

 <tr *ngFor="let d of displayData">
    <td class=".mytable"> {{d.specRow}} </td>
    <td *ngFor="let l of d.limitModel ">
      <input type="text" [ngModel]="l?.target" (ngModelChange)="changeSelectedItem($event, l)" [name]="" />

Clicking in the input box next to Comment 4 adds more rows until it reaches the next input with an empty string. How can I make these rows render with an empty string when they are tied to a model?

EDIT: The rows load correctly when not bound with ngModel. The issue arises when binding to an empty string.

Answer №1

To address your specific situation, the easiest approach would be to assign a hide class to rows with no data.

 <tr *ngFor="let d of displayData" [class.hidden]="d.specRow == ''">

Don't forget to include a 'hidden' class in your CSS styles.

Answer №2

Here's a workaround I found effective: Ensuring that each cell has a value enables proper rendering of rows.

To achieve this, I replaced null values with a ' ' in empty input boxes before looping through all the inputs to trim them upon completion of rendering.

     this.displayData?.forEach((x) => {
      x.limitModel.forEach((y) => { =;

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