An easy CSS conundrum when hovering

Looking for some assistance with CSS. I want to display the text "Featured Page" with a picture appearing on the right side upon hovering (mouseover). Currently, the picture shows up under the text using the following CSS, but I need it to be larger and placed to the right of the text.

I'm new to working with CSS, so please bear with me.

<style type="text/css"> 
#Style { 
border:solid 1px #CCC; 

Here is my JavaScript:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function ShowPicture(id,Source) { 
if (Source=="1"){ 
var pos = $('' + id+'').offset();   
var width = $('' + id+'').width();
var popupHeight = $(''+id+'').height(); 

if (document.layers) document.layers(''+id+'').visibility = "show" 
else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "visible" 
else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility =       "visible" 
 $(''+id+'').css( { "left": (pos.left - width - 272) + "px", "top": ( - popupHeight + 5) + "px" } );
if (Source=="0"){ 
if (document.layers) document.layers(''+id+'').visibility = "hide" 
else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "hidden" 
else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility = "hidden" 

My HTML code:

 <td valign="middle" class="table_td td top" style="width: 347px">  <span     class="feature_text" style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="ShowPicture('Style',1)" onmouseout="ShowPicture('Style',0)" id="a1"> Featured Merchant Ad  </span><br /> </td>

<div id="Style"><img src=""></div>

Appreciate any help provided in advance!

Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of the elements hover event, consider adding a background image. Adjusting the margins may be necessary to achieve the desired display.

    border:solid 1px #CCC; 

    background: url(../images/background.png) middle right;

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

<style type="text/css>
#mycontent {
position: relative;

#mycontent img {
position: relative;
visibility: hidden;

#mycontent:hover img {
visibility: visible;

Also, include this HTML snippet:

<p id="mycontent">
Some content...
<img src="..." />

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