Alternative image to be used as background if the default image is not available

I am looking to designate an image as a background, but the image file may be named either bg.png or bg.jpg.

Is there a way without using JavaScript to set up a fallback option for an alternate image if the default background image is not available?

    background: url(bg.png);
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;

Answer №1

To utilize multiple backgrounds without transparency and covering all available space or having the same size, you can use the following CSS code:

     background-image: url(''), url('');
     background-size: 100%;

If the first image is not available, the second one will be displayed instead.

     background-image: url('http://placehol/1000x1000'), url('');
     background-size: 100%;

Answer №2

If you want to specify multiple backgrounds, you can achieve this by:

  background-color: green;
  background-image: url('bg.png'), url('bg.jpg');

This code will first attempt to set the background to bg.png. If this image is not found, it will then default to using bg.jpg. In the rare case that neither image exists, the background color will fallback to a solid shade of green.

Do keep in mind that the order in which images are listed matters. The browser will display the first specified image on top of any subsequent ones. Furthermore, if the png image includes transparency, both images will partially show through.

For a live demonstration, check out this demo link. Feel free to test the code by purposely breaking either image URL.

Answer №3

Even though this approach incorporates JS, it fetches the initial image utilizing CSS, and will exclusively resort to JS for retrieving the alternative image if the primary image fails to load.

To begin, define the main image using CSS in the usual manner, like so:

.myImage {
    background-image = "main-image.png";

Then, include the following JS code that kicks in only when the main image fails to load (otherwise, the fallback image won't be fetched).

var img = document.createElement("img");
img.onerror = function() {
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    style.innerHTML = '.myImage { background-image = url("http://fallback_image.png"); }';
img.src = "main_image.png";

Keep in mind that you can insert multiple rules into the CSS block appended through javascript, such as in cases where this needs to be done for multiple elements.

Answer №4

To achieve a background image using CSS, you can utilize the same image URL in a hidden image tag. In case of an error, you can modify the image URL and display it.

  style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${imageSrc})` }}
    style={{ display: "none" }}
    onError={(e) => {
      e.currentTarget.src = brokenImageFallbackUrl; = "block";
      // Alternatively, keep this image hidden and set the background image of the parent div

Answer №5

I needed a solution that prevents loading images twice, as using a CDN with fallback was not effective if it always loaded original images as well. This led me to create a JavaScript script to manipulate the loaded CSS DOM.

var cdn = ""; // Original location or item to locate
var localImageToCssPath = "../"; // Replacement, CSS files are in /css/ directory.

function replaceStyleRule(allRules){
  var rulesCount = allRules.length;

  for (var i=0; i < rulesCount; i++) 
    if(allRules[i].style !== undefined && allRules[i].style !== null &&
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage !== undefined &&
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage !== null &&
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage !== "" &&
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage !== "none" &&
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage.indexOf(cdn) > -1
        var tmp = allRules[i].style.backgroundImage.replace(cdn, localImageToCssPath);
        allRules[i].style.backgroundImage = tmp;
      if(allRules[i].cssRules !== undefined && allRules[i].cssRules !== null){

function fixBgImages(){
  var allSheets = document.styleSheets;
  if(allSheets===undefined || allSheets===null){
  var sheetsCount = allSheets.length;
  for (var j=0; j < sheetsCount; j++) 
    var allRules = null;
        allRules = allSheets[j].cssRules;
    } catch(e){
        // Access can be denied
    if(allRules!==undefined && allRules!==null){

// use fixBgImages() in case of an error

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