Alternate Row Colors Using Odd/Even CSS Styling for Main Headings

In my expand/collapse table, I have set up alternating row colors (dark grey and light grey) that adjust automatically when expanding or collapsing.

The challenge I'm facing is that for certain rows, I want to apply a specific background color using the "mainRow" class. However, it appears that due to the Javascript functions in place, the CSS behavior is not as expected.

Check out my code on JSFiddle:


<table class="tbl tbl--highlight stripes half-mb">
    <tr class="mainRow">
        <td class="ShowMe">+ 0000111</td>
    <tr id="itsHidden" class="visuallyhidden">
    <!-- more rows here -->


    function stripeTable(){
         $("table.stripes tr").removeClass("odd");
         $("table.stripes tr:visible:odd").addClass("odd"); 

    $(".ShowMe").click(function() {

        // Additional rows handling

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Not sure what the real issue is here.

If you're trying to make your mainRow rows always display in blue, it's likely a specificity problem in your CSS. Both the odd class and mainRow class have background settings, but the odd selector has more specificity.

An easy solution is to add !important to the mainRow class:

.mainRow {
    background-color: #0c5cac !important;  

Some people argue that using !important is not a good practice. However, I believe that sometimes it's the simplest way to resolve an issue, especially in cases like this.

Check out the updated fiddle

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