Alignment with Angular 2 Material and Flex-Layout

I've been experimenting with angular 2 material and flex-layout in an attempt to create a responsive gallery of elements. Despite spending countless hours on it, I'm still unable to center my elements as desired:

Here's the source code snippet:

<div fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
  <md-card"20""28""40" fxFlex.xs="100" *ngFor="let recipe of recipes" [routerLink]="['/details',]" class="recipe-card">
    <img md-card-image src="">
        Lorem Ipsum

I have experimented with different values for fxFlexAlign ( but none seem to achieve the desired result of centering the elements or evenly distributing the space between them.

Is there a solution to this issue?


Unfortunately, using justify-content: space-between; does not work well when dealing with a dynamic number of items that wrap onto new lines, resulting in uneven alignment in the last row. Here's an example of what I mean:

.container {
  flex-flow:row wrap;
  justify-content: space-between;

.block {
  border:1px solid red;
<div class="container">
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content
  <div class="block" fxLayout='row' fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem">
   ... your content

Answer №1

<div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="2rem" fxLayoutAlign="center">

After implementing fxLayoutAlign="center", I noticed the improvement in alignment as the results are now centered.

Answer №2

If you want to achieve a similar functionality, consider trying this concept. It may be necessary to adjust the CSS % values for more accurate results.

display: flex;
justify-content: center;

width: 23%;
    height: 133px;
    background-color: grey;
    margin: 3px;
    color: #fff;


  display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    width: 56%;
<div class="sp">
  <div class="p">
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>
        <div class="i"> content </div>

Answer №3

Sorry for the delay in responding, but this approach works well with dynamic items, although I don't have the exact formula handy.

Here is my simplified formula:

margin-bottom = (100 - (total items in row * fxFlex on item)) / total space between items in row

For example,

margin-bottom = (100 - (5 * 19) ) / 4
margin-bottom = (100 - 95) / 4
margin-bottom = 5 / 4 = 1.25%

In Your Code HTML

<div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutWrap="wrap" fxLayoutAlign="space-between">
    <!-- margin-bottom = gt-md = 1.25%, md = 6.5% , sm  = 22% !-->
    <md-card"19""29""39" fxFlex.xs="100" *ngFor="let recipe of recipes" [routerLink]="['/details',]" class="recipe-card">
        <img md-card-image src="">
            Lorem Ipsum


md-card {
  margin-bottom: 6.25%; // md flex 29

  // The responsive margin calculations are commented out, implement as needed
  // margin-bottom: 1.25%; // gt-md flex 19
  // margin-bottom: 22%; // sm flex 39
  // margin-bttom : 2%; // sm flex 49, consider using this one

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