Aligning Description Item components horizontally in antdLearn how to easily horizontally align Description

Currently, I am utilizing the `antd` Description components.

In this scenario, when there is no `title` for the items, the value should be aligned to the left. You can see an example of this alignment in the image below:

I have attempted to fix this issue without success. Can you provide guidance on how to resolve it?

Here is a snippet from demo.tsx:

import React from "react";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
import "./index.css";
import { Descriptions } from "antd";

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const items = [
    { title: "title 1", value: "value-1" },
    { title: "title 2", value: "value-2" },
    { value: "value-3" }
  return (
    <Descriptions column={1} bordered>
      {, index) =>
        description.title ? (
            labelStyle={{ width: "25%" }}
        ) : (
          <div key={index}>{description.value}</div>

export default App;

You can also view the code on Codesandbox:

Answer №1

To merge the Description Item component, you will need to make some adjustments to its style. There are various methods to customize the CSS of antd - you can either override it using a CSS file or modify their pre-existing styles. Below is a possible solution, although not perfect, it may get the job done.

<Descriptions column={1} bordered>
  {, index) => (
      label={description.title ? description.title : description.value}
          ? { width: "30%" }
          : { backgroundColor: "white", borderRight: "none" }
      {description.title && description.value}

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