Aligning a Font Awesome component displaying the faPlay icon within a square-shaped button and a circular button using React

Utilizing reactjs, react-bootstrap, bootstrap, and fontawesome as dependencies in my project.

I have integrated a fontAwesome component into a react-bootstrap button, applying text-center as a className. While other icons appear centered without any issue, the faPlay icon seems slightly misaligned to the left.

It is worth mentioning that the parent button is a square with a length of 2em.

You can view it in action here.

Access the module containing this component in the repository here.

The faPlay icon does not have any unique CSS properties that could explain why it is not centered like the others. Any insights on what might be causing this discrepancy?

Answer №1

To ensure proper alignment, apply the Flexbox CSS property as shown below:

button {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

Answer №2

This is a visual trick. It's perfectly aligned both horizontally and vertically.

Answer №3

Here is the solution using SCSS. Check out how it appears. I would appreciate some feedback, is it simply an optical illusion or am I correct?

@function sqrt($r) {
    $x0: 1;
    $x1: $x0;

    @for $i from 1 through 10 {
        $x1: $x0 - ($x0 * $x0 - abs($r)) / (2 * $x0);
        $x0: $x1;

    @return $x1;

.fa-play-circumcenter svg {
    /* The faPlay icon is centered by the point that meets half of the triangle's height.
    This class centers it by its circumcenter.

    Assuming the faPlay icon is an equilateral triangle,
    horizontally centered (equal white space on both sides)

    And due to the following rules in the parent button:
    width: 2em;
    height: 2em;

    The button's width equals two times a triangle side.

    You can then calculate the percentage to offset
    the entire SVG icon so that the circumcenter of the triangle
    aligns with the button's center.*/
    -webkit-transform: translateX(percentage(sqrt(3) / 24));
    -ms-transform: translateX(percentage(sqrt(3) / 24));
    transform: translateX(percentage(sqrt(3) / 24));

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