Align the text in the center of the button vertically

Struggling to vertically center text on a button? I understand the frustration! I've been working on this issue for a whole day with no success. My setup involves NEXT.js and TailwindCSS.

  <div class='flex justify-center items-center h-screen'>
    <div class='bg-zinc-700 h-[610px] w-[340px] rounded-2xl flex justify-center'>
          <div class='bg-black h-[100px] w-[275px] rounded-2xl shadow-2xl translate-y-11'></div>
          <div class='flex justify-center items-center h-[50%] translate-y-32 flex-row'>
                <ul class='flex flex-row w-full'>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'><p class='inline'>c</p></button></li>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'>÷</button></li>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'>x</button></li>
                  <li class='text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'>+</button></li>


<script src=""></script>

Appreciate any help!

Answer №1

Indeed, quite frustrating. One workaround is to adjust the position of the element by 0.25rem using a custom class (I created a class named .nudgeup and surrounded the symbols with p tags).

  .nudgeup { position:relative; bottom:0.25rem; }
  <div class='flex justify-center items-center h-screen'>
    <div class='bg-zinc-700 h-[610px] w-[340px] rounded-2xl flex justify-center'>
          <div class='bg-black h-[100px] w-[275px] rounded-2xl shadow-2xl translate-y-11'></div>
          <div class='flex justify-center items-center h-[50%] translate-y-32 flex-row'>
                <ul class='flex flex-row w-full'>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'><p class='inline nudgeup'>c</p></button></li>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'><p class='nudgeup'>÷</p></button></li>
                  <li class='pr-6 text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'><p class='nudgeup'>x</p></button></li>
                  <li class='text-3xl text-black'><button class='w-12 h-12 bg-gray-300 shadow-lg rounded-full'><p class='nudgeup'>+</p></button></li>


<script src=""></script>

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

  .nudgeup { position:relative; bottom:0.25rem; }

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