Align an element at the center of both the x and y axes using CSS

Imagine you have a div in an html document with absolute positioning, like this:

<div style="position:absolute">Hello!</div>

Now, if you want to set a specific X and Y position for the div (potentially using JQuery), it's pretty straightforward - just assign values to the "left" and "top" properties. However, things get trickier when you want to position the div at its center. This becomes challenging when the size of the div is not fixed, as you can't simply offset the X and Y coordinates accordingly.

Is there a way to set the center of a div at a specific X and Y position? It's worth mentioning that these divs will only contain text, without any child elements.

While I'd prefer a solution using CSS over JavaScript, I am open to using JavaScript if necessary.

Answer №1

Here are two different methods to centrally align a div both vertically and horizontally:

Approach 1: Using Absolute Positioning

#box {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%; /* position relative to the closest positioned ancestor or the body element */
  top: 50%; /* position relative to the closest positioned ancestor or the body element */
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* adjust element's position based on its height and width */


Approach 2: Utilizing Flexbox

body {
    display: flex; /* create a flex container */
    justify-content: center; /* center flex items horizontally */
    align-items: center; /* center flex items vertically */


Answer №2

Consider utilizing the calc() function in CSS. Specify the left property as 50% - /* element width */ / 2, and the top property as 50% - /* element height */ / 2

div {
  top:calc(50% - 16px / 2);
  left:calc(50% - 80px / 2);
<div style="position:absolute">Greetings!</div>

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