After the initial iteration, the .length function ceases to function properly when

A validation method is set up to check the length of a user input field. It functions properly on the initial try, but does not update if I go back and modify the field.

$("#user").blur(function () {
if ($("#user").val().length < 3) {

} else {

Answer №1

Oops, neglected to delete the previous class

$("#user").blur(function () {
    if ($("#user").val().length < 3) {
    else {

Answer №2

For optimal functionality, consider removing the 'valincorrect' class when a value is marked as correct and vice versa for 'valcorrect'. Simplify by using only one class and utilizing .toggleClass() instead.

Answer №3

I encountered difficulties when attempting to compare the length using dom.

For a solution, you can check out this example:

It is also advisable to store characters if you plan on reusing them later.

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