Currently, I am utilizing a jquery plug-in named blueprint split layout on my website. The original code for this plug-in can be accessed via the following link: After making some modifications to fit my website theme, everything seemed to be working perfectly. However, when I placed it inside a section container with the class of content, it stopped functioning altogether. Strangely enough, if I keep it outside of the div container, it works flawlessly but messes up the rest of the site's layout. Despite numerous attempts to troubleshoot and refine the code, nothing seems to resolve this issue. Can anyone provide insights into what might be going wrong? Additionally, I've also noticed that some links are dysfunctional within this container. I've experimented with using div containers, section containers, and even article containers, yet none of these solutions seem to work.
To view the corresponding HTML, you can visit: The specific section of code is shown below:
<div class="splitcontainer">
<div id="splitlayout" class="splitlayout">
<div class="intro" >
<div class="side side-left">
<div class="intro-content">
<div class="profile_containerL">
<div class="profile"><img src="imgs/profile1.jpg" alt="profile1">
<div class="h1s"><span>Andrew Mac Gregor </span>Web Designer
<div class="side side-right">
<div class="intro-content">
<div class="profile_container">
<div class="profile"><img src="imgs/profile2.jpg" alt="profile2"></div>
<div class="h1s"><span>Brittney Mac Gregor </span>Web Developer</div>
</div><!-- /splitcontainer -->
You can also access the CSS file here: The relevant sections of CSS code are displayed above.
If you require the javascript used on this site, it can be obtained from the blueprint site mentioned earlier. The necessary javascript files include cbpSplitLayout.js, Classie.js, and modernizer.js provided by the site.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance in identifying the underlying cause of the javascript malfunction when the plug-in's HTML is enclosed within the main wrapper section. Thank you in advance for your help.